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2015 Summer Block Party Opening Address

Upholding the Rule of Law

I grew up as a second generation New Yorker. My family, from Puerto Rico, was of modest means living in East Harlem New York (aka Spanish Harlem). Not a very nice place. My father began a career in Law Enforcement. Through hard work and education our family moved out of the Ghetto.

Dad’s professional career started as a Rikers Island penitentiary correction officer, then he became among the first Hispanic police officers in Yonkers, then a Homicide detective, a Arson detective, and finally a Narcotics detective. He founded a non-profit organization focused on bringing Hispanics in to a career of law enforcement. In fact there are many in my family that followed him and became Police Officers, Detectives, Internal Affairs, FBI, etc…

My father was recognized by President Ronald Regan for his work in one of the largest drug bust in the United States. I remember as a child feeling proud of his accomplishments. I’m still proud! Of my Dad and what he stood for and what all Law Enforcement Officers in our country stand for, to protect and preserve the peace through upholding of the rule of law.

It’s a difficult job. My Dad experienced the danger first hand, the drug related violence, domestic violence, or a robbery in progress… Imagine your outside and it’s your job, for whatever reason, to get inside a house and uphold the rule of law. You don’t know what is waiting for you on the other side of that door. Our police officers have seconds to make life and death decisions, while the courts, the media, and the politicians have a life time to pick it apart.

In civilized society the only thing preventing mayhem and chaos is the rule of law. We owe a debt of gratitude to the fine men and women of our office law enforcement agencies that daily take up that challenge.

To our law enforcement I say:

  • Thank you for your unwavering courage

  • Thank you for all your quick and timely life safe saving decisions

  • Thank you for putting your life the on line in defense of ours

  • And most of all, Thank you for upholding the rule of law

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